Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm kind of tired of titles

Do I have anything to talk about today? Not really. I changed one of my other blogs to a book review blog. See, some editors said that you need to have a blog if you want to get published. Well, I have three, but none of them had anything to do with writing. So I changed one of them to be a book review. Should be interesting. I don't know if anyone will read it. But no one reads this one, either, and I don't let that stop me.

I've been daydreaming an awful lot today. That probably makes me sort of weird. I have all these imaginary conversations, and then, when I have a real conversation, it just doesn't compare.

Listening to some of the things that people talk about in my language disorder classes make me realize that I would be a terrible speech-language pathologist. Good thing I learned early on that I didn't want to do that. And listening to horror stories about lawsuits in my audiology classes make me realize that I don't care about the ear enough to do a really good job on anyone. Good thing I'm not going to do that either.

However, hearing about how the economy is going to get worse before it gets better makes me realize I should have chosen a major that would help me to get a job. I wish there was something about me that makes me invaluable to the work force. *sigh*

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