Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!

You know, every time I come on this thing, I realize how amazingly witty and clever I really am. Then I ask myself, Why don't I write on here more often?

Oh, yeah...I'm not really witty or clever. I think I steal most of my smart stuff. If you're laughing, I probably copied it off of Seinfeld.

Anyway. Celebrated Harry Potter's birthday today. I think he's the same age as me, technically (but who's technical?) Rommel and I went to see Harry Potter 6. Rather enjoyable, I thought. Probably because it's been over a year since I've read the books, and thus, and I can't quote word for word every conversation. I used to be able to do that, believe it or not. I'm a freakin' Harry Potter genius, I'm telling you.

Also, since I was in charge of Storytime at Barnes and Noble, we celebrated there too. I read "Magic Box", and had each of the kids make a magic wand. Hugely successful. Afterward, I taught them all to say "Wingardium Leviosa!" and then would pretend I saw books flying around. They'd get all excited and look around. It was so cute.

And do you realize how expensive movies have gotten? How ridiculous is that?