Monday, March 23, 2009

Things I Thought I'd Hate But I Actually ADORE

Lately I've been thinking in lists... Don't know why. Here's one of them:

Things I Thought I'd Hate But I Actually ADORE

1. Sushi
2. Nintendo Wii and DS
3. Young Adult and Middle Grade novels (including The Giver...I didn't read it for years because of the stupid cover, and I finally forced myself and wow...amazing)
4. Writing Conferences
5. Being married (Tell my sixteen-year-old self that I'd get married at twenty, she'd knock you out)
6. Sundresses
7. Reading scriptures
8. Classical writers
9. Lingerie (it makes me feel sexy, okay? So maybe I'm not a Victoria's Secret model, I can pretend!)
10. Flip Flops

And all but two of these I didn't start until after I met Rommel...